Alex is Mark’s brother in law. He lives in Lawrence with his wife Christine and son Luke, and works at Honeywell.
Matthew Gelvin - Groomsman
Kalynn LiaBraaten - Maid of Honor
Kalynn and Carly have been close friends since they were young teens. They enjoyed lots of road trips and girls nights through the years! They were roommates in college and both attended OSU then transferred to OU, Kalynn for Dental Hygiene and Carly for a Nursing degree. Kalynn lives in Hiawatha, Iowa with her husband Kyle and two kiddos, Kaden (5) and Ayla (2).
Cara MacDonald - Bridesmaid
Cara is Carly’s oldest sister. She lives in Oklahoma with her husband Errol and 4 kids.
Cassie Zutter - Bridesmaid
Cassie is Carly’s just older sister. She was recently married and lives in Derby, KS with her husband Ben and two kids, Landon and Ashley.
Elinor MacDonald - Junior Bridesmaid
Elinor, Carly’s niece, loves learning about psychology and personalities. She’s 13 years old.
Sophie Buchanan - Junior Bridesmaid
Sophie is Carly’s niece and recently turned 13! She’s in Girl Scouts, enjoys dance, and plays the trumpet and the French Horn.
Luke Cate - Ringbearer
Luke is Mark’s 4 year old nephew!
Samuel MacDonald - Ringbearer
Samuel is 4! He says his role at the wedding is to be “ring bearer and dragon catcher”!
Josephine MacDonald - Candle Bearer
Josie is Carly’s niece and is 10 years old! She likes climbing trees and reading books.
Genevieve MacDonald - Flower Girl
Genevieve is Carly’s niece and is 7 years old! She likes to play with Legos and make blanket forts.
Thomas Buchanan - Usher
Thomas is Carly’s oldest nephew. He will be a junior this fall at University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma (USAO) and is working on a bachelor’s of fine art. He plays euphonium in band and trombone in jazz band.
Austin Buchanan - Usher
Austin, Carly’s nephew, recently graduated from high school. He plans to attend SWOSU and study environmental and organismal biology.